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Hydro Power Company Gorna Arda Obtains National Object Status


The Council of Ministers declared the project for construction of the Gorna Arda hydro power cascade for a national object and for an object of national importance. This decision will facilitate for considerable shortening of the terms for carrying out the administrative procedures, necessary for starting and executing the project.

The realization of the Gorna Arda project is going to contribute greatly for diversifying the energy sources and ensuring supply security and continuity, as well as for developing competitive energy markets, establishing a balanced and well-developed energy infrastructure, increasing the share of renewable energy generation in line with Bulgaria’s commitment for reaching our national obligatory goal of 16% of the total energy mix by 2020.

Under another decision the government approved that Hydro Power Company Gorna Arda AD pays National Electricity Company EAD (NEK) the costs for construction, installation and other types of works, carried out by NEK on state-owned properties with regard to the cascade’s construction.